Protection is Always Important
There is protection for so many of your various possessions, including the extremely important one…YOU! September is Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM) focusing on educating people on the importance of life insurance and helping get the coverage needed.
More than 40% of Americans have no life insurance*. Here are a few reasons why life insurance is important…
1) Do it for your family – In the event of your untimely departure, life insurance can do a number of things such as: serve as income replacement, payoff a mortgage, payoff debts, pay for a child’s education, cover burial expenses, transfer wealth to your loved ones, or serve as a charity donation.
2) Work insurance is inadequate – If you have life insurance through your employer it may only be 1 or 2 times your salary, which may not be enough to cover some or all of the expenses in #1. Additionally, you will only have that insurance as long as you are an employee. If you are self-employed or your employer doesn’t offer life insurance, then it is 100% up to you to get the protection you need.
3) Coverage isn’t as expensive as you think – Those with no life insurance think it’s 3X more expensive than it really is*. There is no cost nor obligation on your part to speak with a financial advisor to determine the right type of insurance for you and get a quote. Remember, the longer you wait the greater it can be.
Your home and car most likely are insured – Are YOU?
*Source: 2015 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA